冯晓梅,教授。新疆大学理学博士,加拿大York University博士后、陕西师范大学博士后。中国数学会生物数学专业委员会第九届委员会委员,山西省普通高等学校本科教学教育类专业教学指导委员会委员,山西省科学技术奖(自然科学类)二等奖第二完成人,山西省三晋英才青年优秀人才。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、地区基金协作项目,青年项目、天元项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目,以及山西省级科技厅、教育厅等多项省级项目。 在《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Journal of Mathematics Biology》、《Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B》、《应用数学学报英文版》等国内外学术期刊发表论文40余篇。
Email: xiaomei_0529@126.com
(1) 传染病动力学建模与研究;
(2) 种群动力学建模与研究;
(3) 数据驱动的动力学建模与应用
(4) 生物数据的统计分析。
[1] Yunfeng Liu, Shigui Ruan,Jianshe Yu,Xiaomei Feng, Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting,II: Existence of two periodic solutions, Journal of Differential Equations, 388, 2024, 253-285. (通讯作者SCI)
[2] Xiaomei Feng,Yunfeng Liu, Shigui Ruan,Jianshe Yu,Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting, Journal of Differential Equations, 354(5), 2023, 237-263. (SCI)
[3] Lei Wang, Zhidong Teng, Xi Huo, Kai Wang, Xiaomei Feng, A stochastic dynamical model for nosocomial infections with co-circulation of sensitive and resistant bacterial strains, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87(41), 2023, Doi.10.1007/s00285-023-01968-8. (通讯作者,SCI)
[4] Xiaomei Feng,Linchao Hu,Jianshe Yu,The impact of incomplete cytoplasmic incompatibility on mosquito population suppression by Wolbachia,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B,2023,Doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2023120. (SCI)
[5] Xiaomei Feng, Lili Liu, Fengqin Zhang, Dynamical behavior of SEIR-SVS Epidemic Models with Nonlinear Incidence and Vaccination. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sincia, English Series, 2022, 38(2): 282-303. (SCI)
[6] Zhongcai Zhu, Rong Yan, Xiaomei Feng, Existence and Stability of Two Periodic Solutions for an Interactive Wild and Sterile Mosquitoes Model. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2022, 16(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/17513758.2021.2023666. (通讯作者, SCI)
[7] Xiaomei Feng, Jianxia Sun, Lei Wang, Fengqin Zhang, Shulin Sun, Periodic Solutions for a Stochastic Chemostat Model with Impulsive Perturbation on the Nutrient, Journal of Biological Systems, 2021, 29(4): 849-870. (SCI)
[8] Xinli Hu , Jianquan Li, Xiaomei Feng, Threshold dynamics of a HCV model with virus to cell transmission in both liver with CTL immune response and the extrahepatic tissue,Journal of Biological Dynamics,15(1), 2021, 19-34 (通讯作者,SCI )
[9] Xiaomei Feng, Jing Chen, Kai Wang, etal., Phase-adjusted estimation of the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea under multi-source data and adjustment measures: a modelling study, Mathmatical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (2020), 3637-3648, (SCI )
[10] Xiaomei Feng,Lili Liu, Sanyi Tang, Xi Huo, Stability and bifurcation analysis of a two-patch SIS model on nosocomial infections, Applied Mathematics Letters 102 (2020) 106097, (SCI)
[11] Xiaomei Feng, Xi Huo, Sanyi Tang, Biao Tang, Jianhong Wu, Modelling and Analyzing Virus Mutation Dynamics of Chikungunya Outbreaks, Scientific Reports, 2019(9): 2860, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-38792-4 (SCI )
[12] Lili Liu,Xiaomei Feng,A multigroup SEIR epidemic model with age-dependent latency and relapse,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018, 41, 1-20. (通讯作者, SCI )
[13] Xiaomei Feng,Kai Wang, Fengqin Zhang, Zhidong Teng,Threshold dynamics of a nonlinear multi-group epidemic model with two infinite distributed delays,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017, 40, 2762-2771. ( SCI )
[14] Xiaomei Feng, Shigui Ruan, Zhidong Teng, Kai Wang, Stability and backward bifurcation in a malaria transmission model with applications to the control of malaria in China, Mathematical Biosciences, 2015, 266: 52-64. (SCI)
[15] Xiaomei Feng, Zhidong Teng, Fengqin Zhang,Global dynamics of a general class of multi- group epidemic with latency and relapse, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2015, 12(1): 99-115. (SCI )
[16] Xiaomei Feng, Zhidong Teng, Kai Wang, Fengqin Zhang,Backward bifurcation and global stability in an epidemic model with treatment and vaccination, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2014, 19(4): 999-1025. (SCI )
[17] Xiaomei Feng, Fengqin Zhang, Wenjuan Wang, Global exponential synchronization of delayed fuzzy cellular neural networks with impulsive effects, Chaos, Solitions & Fractals,2011(44): 9-16. (SCI )
[18] Xiaomei Feng, Zhidong Teng, Long Zhang, Permanence for Nonautonomous N-species Lotka-volterra Competitive with Feedback Control, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2008, 38: 1355-1376. (SCI )
[19] 王霞, 唐三一, 陈勇, 冯晓梅, 肖燕妮, 徐宗本新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下武汉及周边地区何时复工? 数据驱动的网络模型分析. 中国科学:数学. 50卷7期. (2020) 969-978. doi: 10.1360/SSM-2020-0037.
序 号 |
项目名称 |
项目类别 |
项目来源单位 |
批准金额(万元) |
本人排名 |
立项年度 |
1 |
周期环境影响下媒介生物传染病的动力学模型研究与应用 |
面上项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
44 |
第一 |
2024 |
2 |
蚊媒传染病传播动力学模型与防控措施研究 |
天元项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
10 |
第一 |
2020 |
3 |
新疆结核病耐药发展机制的动力学建模与分析 |
地区基金---协作 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
12 |
第二 |
2020 |
4 |
我国疟疾和登革热的动力学建模及优化控制策略研究 |
青年基金 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
18 |
第一 |
2015 |
5 |
基孔肯雅热传播流行与控制模型的研究与应用 |
中国博士后面上项目 |
中国博士后管理委员会 |
8 |
第一 |
2019 |
6 |
病毒适应性变异和气象因子对蚊媒传染病传播的影响 |
面上项目 |
山西省科技厅 |
8 |
第一 |
2022 |
7 |
蚊媒传染病模型的非线性动力学分析与实践应用 |
山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目 |
山西省教育厅 |
6 |
第一 |
2022 |
8 |
基于动力学模型的蚊媒传染病流行风险评估及控制研究 |
山西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目 |
山西省人社厅 |
5 |
第一 |
2021 |
9 |
美国佛罗里达大学访问交流 |
山西省高等学校青年科研人员培育计划项目 |
山西省教育厅 |
10 |
第一 |
2019 |
10 |
登革热传播的时滞微分方程模型研究 |
青年项目 |
山西省科技厅 |
3 |
第一 |
2018 |
序 号 |
获奖成果 名称 |
类别 |
级别 |
颁奖机构 |
获奖时间 |
1 |
捕食者食饵系统及其在传染病传播中的应用 |
山西省科学技术奖二等奖 |
省部级 |
山西省人民政府 |
2021 |
2 |
捕食者食饵系统及其在传染病传播中的应用 |
山西省高等学校优秀成果自然科学奖一等奖 |
厅局级 |
山西省教育厅 |
2019 |
3 |
山西省“三晋英才”支持计划 |
青年优秀人才 |
省部级 |
山西省委人才工作领导小组 |
2018 |