1. 个人简介
2. 论文、著作:
[1] Zhao Mengling,Yin Xinyu,Yue Huiping, Genetic Simulated Annealing-Based Kernel Vector Quantization Algorithm[J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2017,31(5):1-28.
[2] Zhao Mengling, Liu Hongwei,An Associate Rules Mining Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune Network for SAR Image Segmentation[J]. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015(1):1- 14.
[3] 赵梦玲,刘红卫. 基于遗传模拟退火算法的矢量量化码书设计[J] . 数学的实践与认识,2015,45(1): 209-218.
[4] Zhao Mengling, Liu Hongwei.A kernel vector quantization codebook designing for image compression based on simulated annealing into genetic algorithm[J]. COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES,2014,18(12A) :572-577 .
[5] Zhao Mengling, Liu Hongwei. A Genetic Simulated Annealing Kernel Vector Quantization Algorithm For Image Compression[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2014,11( 12):4289-4299.
[6] Zhao Mengling, Liu Hongwei, Vector Quantization Codebook Design and Application Based on the Clonal Selection Algorithm[J].International Frequency Sensor Association, 2013, 159(11): 415-421.
[7] Zhao Mengling, Yuan Zichun, Liu Hongwei, Clonal Selection Algorithm Based on Manifold Distance For Image Compression[J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology,2013,5(11): 31-39.
[8] Zhao Mengling, Liu Hongwei, A Genetic Simulated Annealing Kernel Vector Quantization Algorithm For Date Clustering[J].International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2013,5(12): 10-18.
[9] Zhao Mengling,Liu Hongwei,Study on Fuzzy Clustering of Joining with Local Learning Operator In the Artificial Immune Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm[J].Journal of Applied Sciences,2014 14(7):719-722.
3. 项目
序号 |
项目名称 |
项目类别 |
项目来源单位 |
批准金额(万元) |
本人总排名/完成总人数 |
立项 年度 |
完成情况 |
1 |
优化矿井低照度环境下视频图像的算法研究 |
西安科技大学培育基金 |
西安科技大学科技处 |
0.4 |
1/1 |
2011 |
结题 |
2 |
数学建模与太阳能小屋的设计 |
陕西三建 |
6 |
1/1 |
2013 |
结题 |
3 |
两类流体动力学方程解的一些渐近性质研究 |
青年科学基金项目 |
国家自然科学基金 |
25 |
3/5 |
2016 |
结题 |
4 |
一类三维确定及随机多孔介质流方程解的一些渐近性质研究 |
基金-面上项目 |
陕西省自然基础研究计划 |
3 |
2/4 |
2018 |
结题 |
5 |
二维Newton-Boussinesq方程解的几种吸引子的存在性研究 |
数学天元基金 |
国家自然科学基金 |
6 |
4/5 |
2015 |
结题 |
4. 专利
序号 |
专利名称 |
专利类别 |
本人总排名 /完成总人数 |
授权时间 |
1 |
基于聚类的智能图像分析软件 |
软著 |
1/1 |
2018 |
2 |
软著 |
1/1 |
2018 |
3 |
软著 |
1/1 |
2018 |