(1) G. Zhu*, Y.P. Xiong, Z.G. Li, M. Li, X.X. Bai, A fractional-order model on the dynamic mechanical behaviour of magnetorheological elastomers, Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29(2): 025020. (SCI)
(2) G. Zhu*, Z.G. Li, H.L. Guo, X.X. Bai, Y.P. Xiong, M. Li, Dynamic modeling and vibration control for isolation systems based on magnetorheological elastomers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2023, 34(10):1224-1236. (SCI)
(3) G. Zhu*, Y.P. Xiong, Z.G. Li, L. Xiao, M. Li, X.X. Bai, A nonlinear dynamic model of magnetorheological elastomers in magnetic fields based on fractional viscoelasticity, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2021, 32(2):228-239. (SCI)
(4) G. Zhu*, Z.G. Li, Y.P. Xiong, L. Xiao, M. Li, Dynamic mechanical properties of magnetorheological elastomers: experiment and modeling, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 559: 012001. (EI)
(5) G. Zhu*, Y. Liu, A Novel Full Stressed Energy Harvester with Varied Thickness, Key Engineering Materials, 2020, 847:135-140. (EI)
(6) ) X.X. Bai, X.C. Zhang, Y.T. Choi, M.J. Shou, G. Zhu, N.M. Wereley, Adaptive magnetorheological fluid energy absorption systems: a review, Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33(3): 033002. (SCI)
(7) Y.F. Shi, M. Li, G. Zhu, Dynamics of rotor system coupled with water-lubricated rubber bearings, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 232(23): 4263-4277. (SCI)
(8) G. Zhu*, Y.P. Xiong, S. Daley, R.A. Shenoi, Magnetorheological elastomer materials and structures with vibration energy control for marine application, Analysis and Design of Marine Structure V, 2015, 5: 197-204.
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