王素芳,博士,副教授。2013年毕业于陕西师范大学,获理学博士学位。2007年开始从事低维纳米材料的掺杂改性理论研究工作。参与过国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)项目和国家自然科学基金项目。博士学习期间,作为负责人主持并完成陕西师范大学研究生培养创新基金资助项目1项。目前主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目1项,主持并完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,国家自然科学基金理论物理专项1项,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目1项,教育厅自然专项项目1项。在Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Applied physics A、Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology等国际SCI源期刊上发表论文20余篇。
邮箱:sufangwang@xust.edu.cn; 675969684@qq.com
[1]Jing Liang, Su-Fang Wang*, Li-Yong Chen, Dan Xue, You Xie, Chunli Zheng, Yu-Ling Song. Enhancing sensitivity of C3N monolayer to CH4 molecule through doping 3d transition metal: A first-principles study, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2025, 56, 105671. (SCI 1区)
[2]Su-Fang Wang*, Dan Xue, Li-Yong Chen, You Xie, Jian-Min Zhang, Jing Liang. Manipulating electronic, magnetic and optical properties of C3N monolayer through doping a 4d series transition metal atom, Computational Materials Science, 2025, 249, 113652. (SCI 2区)
[3]Su-Fang Wang*, Jing Liang, Cheng-Yue Wang, Li-Yong Chen, You Xie and Jian-Min Zhang, Impact of uniaxial strain on physical properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons with topological defects, Physica Scripta, 2024, 99, 035969. (SCI 2区)
[4]Su-Fang Wang*, Dan Xue, Jing Liang, Li-Yong Chen, You Xie, Jian-Min Zhang, The synergistic regulation effect on the structure and electronic properties of graphene by methane plasma, Stone-Wales defect and equibiaxial strain, Diamond & Related Materials, 2023, 140, 110426. (SCI 2区)
[5]Su-Fang Wang*, Jing Liang, Dan Xue, Li-Yong Chen, You Xie, Jian-Min Zhang, Synergistic effects of uniaxial strain and vacancy defect on the mechanical and magnetic properties of the C3N monolayer, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 37, 107295. (SCI 2区)
[6]Cheng-Yue Wang, Su-Fang Wang*, Shao-Rong Li, Peng-Xiang Zhao, Shan Xing, Ri-Sheng Zhuo, Jing Liang. Effects of strain and Al doping on monolayer h-BN: First-principles calculations, Physica E, 2023, 146: 115546, (SCI 2区)
[7]Yue Gao, Su-Fang Wang*, You Xie, Xiulin Wang, Jiawei Yang, Ningning Jiang, Liyong Chen, Jianmin Zhang. Effect of 4d transition metals on the electronic and magnetic properties of twin graphene, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022, 564: 170127. (SCI)
[8]Cheng-Yue Wang, Su-Fang Wang*, Shao-Rong Li, Peng-Xiang Zhao, Jing Liang, Hao Wang. First principles study of regulation of monolayer ZnO and vacancy defects equibiaxial strain, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2022, 35: 925-934. (SCI)
[9]Su-Fang Wang*, Cheng-Yue Wang, Li-Yong Chen, Xie You, Jian-Min Zhang. First-principles study of half-metallicity of Fe nanobelts, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2021, 50(11): 3942-3948. (SCI)
[10] Li-Yong Chen, Su-Fang Wang*, Jian-Min Zhang, Ferroelectrically mediated optical absorption in short-period (LaMnO3)2/BaTiO3/(SrMnO3)2 superlattices: A viewpoint from first-principles, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 065301. (SCI)