1. 个人简介
王乙先,男,1989年05月生,副教授,硕导,应用物理系党支部书记。博士毕业于四川大学物理科学与技术学院(硕博连读),近年来主要从事材料高温高压物性行为的理论研究,致力于从基本物理图像和规律为出发点,发展理论模型和计算方法,通过数值模拟或解析方法理解并预测极端条件下物质的变化及响应规律,探寻各种现象背后的物理机制并建立相互间的关联。到目前为止,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、联合项目1项。在 Journal of Chemical Physics,Scientific Reports,Journal of Applied Physics,RSC Advances,Solid State Sciences,Philosophical Magazine,Solid State Communications,Crystals,Applied Physics A等国际专业学术期刊发表学术论文10余篇。本课题组注重对硕士研究生基础知识的应用和科研技能的培养,每年计划招收物理学专业硕士生1-2名。欢迎物理、化学、材料科学等专业的同学报考,并在考分超过录取线后E-mail联系(请附简历),复试时双向选择!
联系方式: E-mail:lsdwyx@163.com QQ:791141683
2. 论文、著作(代表性论文, “*”表示通讯作者)
(1) Wang Yixian*, Wu Hao, Xie Wuna, Wang Xiaofan, Sun Shaowei*, Gu Jianbing, Pressure-induced evolution of structures and phase transition of technetium diboride, Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 135: 205901.
(2) Wang Xiaofan, Wang Yixian*,Wu Hao, Xie Wuna, Zhang Yuxuan, Wang Zhuo, Theoretical prediction of phase transition, mechanical and electronic properties of manganese diboride under pressure, Applied Physics A, 2024, 130: 414. (学生一作)
(3) Wang Xiaofan, Wang Yixian*, Wang Zhuo, ZhangYuxuan, Gu Jianbing, Ab initio study of phase stability, elastic anisotropy, and minimum thermal conductivity of MnB2 in different crystal structures, Chinese Physics B, 2024, 33: 126103. (学生一作)
(4) Xie Wuna, Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Wang Zhaoqi, Gu Jianbing, Mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and optical properties of a novel layered compound Bi3O2S2Cl under pressure, European Physical Journal B, 2023, 96: 64. (学生一作)
(5) Wu Hao, Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Wang Zhaoqi, Gu Jianbing, Phase stability, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of technetium diborides in different crystal structures, Applied Physics A, 2023, 129: 175. (学生一作)
(6) Wang Yixian*, Wu Hao, Liu Yingying, Wang Hao, Chen Xiangrong, Geng Huayun*, Recent Progress in Phase Stability and Elastic Anomalies of Group VB Transition Metals, Crystals, 2022, 12: 1762.
(7) Liu Yingying, Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Wei Liu, Zhou Gaoliang, Xiong Kezhao, Gu Jianbing, Pressure effects on structure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of V2SnC: a first-principles study, Philosophical Magazine, 2022, 102: 228. (学生一作)
(8) Wang Yixian*, Liu Yingying, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Zhou Gaoliang, Xiong Kezhao, Crystal structures and mechanical properties of osmium diboride at high pressure, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 5754.
(9) Wang Yixian*, Liu Yingying, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Geng Huayun, Chen Xiangrong, Ab initio dynamical stability and lattice thermal conductivity of vanadium and niobium at high temperature, Solid State Communications, 2021, 323: 114130.
(10) Wang Yixian*, Liu Yingying, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Gu Jianbing, Ab initio study of elastic anisotropies and thermal conductivities of rhenium diborides in different crystal structures, RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 37142.
(11) Wang Yixian, Geng Huayun*, Wu Qiang, Chen Xiangrong, Orbital localization error of density functional theory in shear properties of vanadium and niobium, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152: 024118.
(12) Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Zhou Gaoliang, Gu Jianbing, Ab initio study of the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of Bi2O2X (X=Se, Te) under pressure, Solid State Sciences, 2020, 106: 106299.
(13) Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Zhou Gaoliang, Structure stability, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of the new hexagonal ternary phase Ti2InB2 under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, 2020, 100: 2054.
(14) Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Zhou Gaoliang, Novel high pressure structures and mechanical properties of rhenium diboride, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126: 135901.
(15) Wang Yixian*, Yan Zhengxin, Liu Wei, Zhou Gaoliang, Gu Jianbing, First-principles study of elastic and electronic properties of layered ternary nitride SrZrN2 under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99: 2321-2339.
(16) Wang Yixian, Geng Huayun*, Wu Qiang, Chen Xiangrong*, Sun Yi, First-principles investigation of elastic anomalies in niobium at high pressure and temperature, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122: 235903.
(17) Wang Yixian, Wu Qiang, Chen Xiangrong*, Geng Huayun*, Stability of rhombohedral phases in vanadium at high-pressure and high-temperature: first-principles investigations, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 32419.
(18) Wang Yixian, Hu Cui E, Chen Yangmei, Cheng Yan*, Ji Guangfu, First-Principles Study of the Structural, Optical, Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties of BaZnO2 Under Pressure, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2016, 37: 106.
(19) Wang Yixian, Cheng Yan, He Xi, Ji Guangfu, Chen Xiangrong*, Pressure effects on structural, elastic and electronic properties of BaZnO2: first-principles study, Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95: 64.
3. 项目
序号 |
项目名称 |
项目类别 |
项目来源单位 |
批准金额 |
本人角色 |
立项年度 |
完成情况 |
1 |
高压下TMB2(TM=Mn, Tc, Re)的结构相变与机理的理论研究 |
陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目 |
陕西省科学技术厅 |
5万 |
主持 |
2024 |
在研 |
2 |
基于量子蒙特卡罗方法研究高压下过渡金属的电子结构与物性 |
国家自然科学基金青年项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
26万 |
主持 |
2020 |
结题 |
3 |
基于X射线线形分析技术的钒高温高压强度特性研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
63万 |
参与 |
2019 |
结题 |
4 |
第五副族元素动-静熔化线差异的关键问题研究 |
国家自然科学基金联合项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
270万 |
参与 |
2018 |
结题 |
5 |
LiHn的高压结构与物性理论研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
国家自然科学基金委员会 |
58万 |
参与 |
2017 |
结题 |